Mission Statement Here at BulletInspector we have several goals. Because of the complexity of this meter design. We are trying to create an environment where our patrons are a knowledge Base and can collectively overcome the technical barriers that nearly drove this meter design to extinction. Sharing information is the only way to overcome this obstacle. By manufacturing and selling the BulletInspector meter kits. We hope to identify those individuals with the necessary skills to complete these meters. Then encouraging them to become dealers. Making the completed BulletInspector meter for resale to the public. We realize that not being able to give technical support is going to be a problem for many people. For this reason we are trying to get more people involved that have the skills and are willing to help others with technical issues. There is a lot of misinformation out there about what this meter design can and can't do. We are looking for an experienced user of the Vern Juenke Machine to make a video showing the proper operation of these Icc type machines. We will post it on the website for free download with other informatio |